Um dos melhores momentos da serie Curb Your Enthusiasm! Larry após um longo episodio de escandalo chega a casa com um saco de erva para tratar do glaucoma ao seu pai:
sábado, 15 de novembro de 2008
sábado, 8 de novembro de 2008
quarta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2008
X - The Man With The X-Ray Eyes

Dr. James Xavier (Ray Milland) is a brilliant but unorthodox researcher whose work with human sight has yielded an experimental chemical that may vastly increase the range of what we can see. Despite the misgivings and warnings of the two people closest to him, Dr. Diane Fairfax (Diana Van Der Vlis) and Dr. Sam Brant (Harold J. Stone), he uses it on himself and finds that he is able to look inside the human body in real-time. This gives him the ability to save the life of a patient in surgery, but in the process, he offends a top physician and calls his own judgement into question. He won't stop or even slow his experiments, however, and when Sam is accidentally killed trying to stop him, he is forced to flee. Soon he is living the life of a hunted man, and is protected and exploited by Crane (Don Rickles), a larcenous carny-man who sets him up as a "healer" on skid row, taking peoples' pennies while Xavier makes his diagnoses. After getting away from Crane, Xavier is found by Diane, who joins him on the run, and by now his own worst nature is coming to the surface. They head to Las Vegas, where his ability to see through objects allows him to win at most of the games in front of him, but he is discovered because of the attention that his "streak" draws to him. Pursued out of town, he heads out to the desert, and by now his ability to see transcends the boundaries of earthly space, leading him to a terrible quandry and a hideous solution to his plight, inspired by an encounter with a preacher.
Fonte: All Movie -
Amor e os tempos Modernos
A mulher ideal. Para a Humanidade sempre houve um estereótipo da beleza feminina, desde os tempos da antiguidade, a inolvidável Vénus ou Afrodite e ainda a mítica Helena de Tróia, passando pelo renascimento de Dante e Petrarca ou mesmo a mulher barroca, roliça e bem gordinha. No sec. XX dá-se o auge na procura da perfeição feminina, da publicidade ao cinema somos bombardeados com imagens de sensualidade e a representação da mulher moderna, bem ao gosto da moda actual e do estereótipo do perfeito. Para Kenji Mizoguchi e certamente muitos Japoneses esta é uma mulher belíssima, uma princesa que com a sua beleza enfeitiça um pobre oleiro. Quanto a nos ocidentais será que nos revemos por esta sensualidade sem pestanas e branca como a morte?

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