Desde o 12º ano que não ouvia esta musica. Hoje foi inevitavel recorda-la, revive-la, por tudo o que representa para mim ... já éra tempo.
sábado, 28 de fevereiro de 2009
Certo dia uma amiga perguntou-me se eu gostava de Reggae. Ao que respondi, sim, mas nao o Roots Reggae, e desde entao voltei um pouco às influencias Jamaicanas.
Actualmente o meu conjunto de reggae favorito deve ser este:
Actualmente o meu conjunto de reggae favorito deve ser este:
The Aggrolites
sábado, 14 de fevereiro de 2009
sexta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2009
quinta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2009
perdido entre Finanças, veio-me este tema à cabeça
British Invasion,
quarta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2009
The I.R.A. - Tim Pat Coogan

Hoje veio no correio mais uma coisa para mim. Um livro, pena que já tenha começado a ler o que ontem aqui referi, ficando este em nº1 na lista de espera.
Vi esta critica na Amazon, e parece-me fiel:
this book is truly the standard reference on the IRA and thier history, it shows how the provisional IRA has changed from simple revolutionaries to highly trained ruthless terrorists who commited many attrocities while also fighting for catholic rights and ultimately realizing that they could not be beaten, but also could not win through violence alone. shows the political savy of sinn fein and the only semi-succesfull attempt by protestent paramilitaries to counter the ruthlessness of the IRA and INLA. tim pat coogen is one of the best authors on the subject of northern ireland. easily surpassess the somewhat biased and not very accurate account of the last twenty five years of the conflict by Bowyer Bell in his revised book IRA the secret army

The Order Of The Death’s Head
Na ressaca do livro Hell’s Angels, do Hunter, vou voltar ao meu estudo sobre uma época fascinante da nossa história. Aquele que comecei a ler ontem chama-se The Order Of The Death’s Head: The Story of Hitler’s SS. Obrigado

By Konrad Baumeister
Hoehne's book on the SS is the most complete, authoritative, and interesting I have read on the subject. There is nothing in the formation, administration, directing and eventual destruction of the SS that is not addressed, and much is covered here which is simply never dealt with elsewhere.
From the start, Hitler had to contend with the various power blocs in his government. He had devised a system which his various paladins would have to jockey and maneuver for relative favor, which generally allowed Hitler greater room for maneuver and control, but which also at times forced unpleasant meetings and compromise. Himmler's SS was quite often at the center of these power struggles, as its grasp grew more and more ambitious and it conflicted with first the SA at home, then the foreign service abroad, and finally the Wehrmacht in the conduct of the war. The SS won some of these; they lost some, too. The bureaucratic struggles throughout Nazi Germany take up quite a large part of the book; they did not end until Nazi Germany itself did. Nazi rule was self-contradictory, anarchic and without structure; anything but the planned and directed political order it is usually alleged to have been.
As late as 1932 Hitler's position in the party and the nation was often in doubt. The 1934 Roehm Putsch, in which Hitler of all the top Nazis looks least duplicitous and may well have been maneuvered into against his wishes, is presented almost minute by minute. It is one episode among many which are treated definitively by Hoehne; others include the evolution of the racial policy, of the death camps - their planning, design, implementation and abandonment - of the peace feelers made to the west by Schellenberg of the SD and others; it contains a wealth of fascinating information.

Himmler's own grip on his institution was incomplete. Not only was he far from omnipotent even at the height of his power, his personal influence waned as the SS itself as a power center waxed. The smaller pre-war SS could be guided politically, seeded racially, and its leadership trained personally; as the organization expanded into eventually every single sphere of German life, Himmler's own control could not keep up. Much as Hitler was left as the broker of last resort in his circle, so Himmler spent more and more time keeping his competing SS police leaders, governors, recruiters, labor exploiters, camp commmanders, and death squad leaders from going at it amongst themselves.
Finally, the bibliography though dated is excellent, and the index is very good and useful. For a one-volume detailed history of the rise and fall of the SS as an organization I cannot recommend this book highly enough.

By Konrad Baumeister
Hoehne's book on the SS is the most complete, authoritative, and interesting I have read on the subject. There is nothing in the formation, administration, directing and eventual destruction of the SS that is not addressed, and much is covered here which is simply never dealt with elsewhere.
From the start, Hitler had to contend with the various power blocs in his government. He had devised a system which his various paladins would have to jockey and maneuver for relative favor, which generally allowed Hitler greater room for maneuver and control, but which also at times forced unpleasant meetings and compromise. Himmler's SS was quite often at the center of these power struggles, as its grasp grew more and more ambitious and it conflicted with first the SA at home, then the foreign service abroad, and finally the Wehrmacht in the conduct of the war. The SS won some of these; they lost some, too. The bureaucratic struggles throughout Nazi Germany take up quite a large part of the book; they did not end until Nazi Germany itself did. Nazi rule was self-contradictory, anarchic and without structure; anything but the planned and directed political order it is usually alleged to have been.
As late as 1932 Hitler's position in the party and the nation was often in doubt. The 1934 Roehm Putsch, in which Hitler of all the top Nazis looks least duplicitous and may well have been maneuvered into against his wishes, is presented almost minute by minute. It is one episode among many which are treated definitively by Hoehne; others include the evolution of the racial policy, of the death camps - their planning, design, implementation and abandonment - of the peace feelers made to the west by Schellenberg of the SD and others; it contains a wealth of fascinating information.

Himmler's own grip on his institution was incomplete. Not only was he far from omnipotent even at the height of his power, his personal influence waned as the SS itself as a power center waxed. The smaller pre-war SS could be guided politically, seeded racially, and its leadership trained personally; as the organization expanded into eventually every single sphere of German life, Himmler's own control could not keep up. Much as Hitler was left as the broker of last resort in his circle, so Himmler spent more and more time keeping his competing SS police leaders, governors, recruiters, labor exploiters, camp commmanders, and death squad leaders from going at it amongst themselves.
Finally, the bibliography though dated is excellent, and the index is very good and useful. For a one-volume detailed history of the rise and fall of the SS as an organization I cannot recommend this book highly enough.
A Vencedora
A Sara ganhou o grande premio ! Na realidade o senhor chama-se Zé Vitor e mora em Picoutos. Aqui a foto que me mandou das suas ferias. Ah José Vitor dos Santos Faneca, as saudades que te guardo

terça-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2009
Por estas alturas já só penso o que vou fazer das minhas ferias:
Começo com isto
E no dia a seguir, volto para isto
Mais para a frente haverá isto
E a terminar
Depois, voltam as aulas, o estudo, os aborrecimentos, enfim …
Começo com isto
E no dia a seguir, volto para isto
Mais para a frente haverá isto
E a terminar
Depois, voltam as aulas, o estudo, os aborrecimentos, enfim …
segunda-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2009
Hell's Angels

Das minhas leituras:
So there is more to their stance than a wistful yearning for acceptance in a world they never made. Their real motivation is an instinctive certainty as to what the score really is. They are out of the ballgame and they know it. Unlike the campus rebels, who with a minimum amount of effort will emerge from their struggle with a validated ticket to status, the outlaw motorcyclist views the future with the baleful eye of a man with no upward mobility at all. In a world increasingly geared to specialists, technicians and fantastically complicated machinery, the Hell’s Angels are obvious losers and it bugs them. But instead
of submitting quietly to their collective fate, they have made it the basis of a full-time social vendetta. They don’t expect to win anything, but on the other hand, they have nothing to lose.
Retirado do livro Hell’s Angels de Hunter S. Thompson.
Hell's Angels,
Hunter Thompson,
Quem será ?
Sempre que há desculpa, os desportivos em Portugal lá põem um " noite de Tango", " Tango pelo título ", noite de " magia e tango ", como quando se referem ao Belenenses que invariavelmente são " os azuis do Restelo". Adoro a falta de originalidade da nossa imprensa desportiva, que alias copia as fotografias de manchete de vários jornais.
A argentina é um país de tangos sim, mas o Lucho não tem cara de gaúcho nem o Lisandro é necessariamente das Pampas. Não imagino a imprensa inglesa, cada vez que o Chelsea ganha um jogo, fazer capas com "Noite de fados", ou " a magia da feijoada ". Quando o Hulk marcar um golo importante, veremos " Samba e Rapadura " na capa de um jornal?
Estes cavalheiros são do Boca Juniors ! Dalé Dalé
A argentina é um país de tangos sim, mas o Lucho não tem cara de gaúcho nem o Lisandro é necessariamente das Pampas. Não imagino a imprensa inglesa, cada vez que o Chelsea ganha um jogo, fazer capas com "Noite de fados", ou " a magia da feijoada ". Quando o Hulk marcar um golo importante, veremos " Samba e Rapadura " na capa de um jornal?
Estes cavalheiros são do Boca Juniors ! Dalé Dalé
Manic Street Preachers - No Surface All Feeling
Perdido em leituras matutinas, recordei esta música:
E lembrei então com carinho a minha adolescência perdida
E lembrei então com carinho a minha adolescência perdida
sexta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2009
Los Nikis: a voz da razão
Yo seré el viento que va,
navegaré por tu oscuridad.
Tú, Rocío, beso frío
que me quemará.
Seré tu amante bandido, bandido.
Corazón malherido.
Seré tu amante cautivo, cautivo.
Seré ah, ah.
Pasión privada, adorado enemigo.
Huracán abatido.
Me perderé en un momento
Por siempre
seré tu héroe de amor.
navegaré por tu oscuridad.
Tú, Rocío, beso frío
que me quemará.
Seré tu amante bandido, bandido.
Corazón malherido.
Seré tu amante cautivo, cautivo.
Seré ah, ah.
Pasión privada, adorado enemigo.
Huracán abatido.
Me perderé en un momento
Por siempre
seré tu héroe de amor.
quinta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2009
Encontros de Autocarro
Primeiro uma visão do seu corpo grotesco e disforme, rugas de uma vida de trabalho, disfarçadas com uma qualquer maquilhagem barata, o cabelo de um ondulado gorduroso e forçado. A obra-prima de uma qualquer cabeleireira de subúrbio numa segunda de manha. Mais agoniante que a vista é o cheiro que espalha, aromas de lixívia e amoníaco numa confusão e terror. Tem a estatura baixa quase corcunda, e não lhe dou mais de 60 anos. Não bastaria a aparência de Tágide com que fui prendado, ainda tive de arrogantemente suportar a sua arrogância de mulher independente, forçado a encostar-me e acolher todo o seu esplendor de budha sentado a meu lado com o guarda chuva a pingar amor para os meus jeans, foi com esta companhia que na terça regressei a casa da faculdade. Um dia como tantos outros … A esperança reside a que felizmente estamos no Inverno, não há a preocupação do cheiro pestilento e nauseabundo de um 600 atolado e abafado.
Essas Tardes
Perdido entre uma tarde de chuva e a Convenção de Viena dei por mim a cantarolar Platero y Tu, esta musica em concreto:
Não quero acabar assim, medo tenho ainda de ficar a pensar assim:
Não posso pensar em Demónios como o velho Roky
Não quero acabar assim, medo tenho ainda de ficar a pensar assim:
Não posso pensar em Demónios como o velho Roky
Lux Interior
Morreu na passada madrugada o vocalista fundador dos Cramps. Vitima de problemas cardiacos, deixou o mundo com apenas 60 anos. Por ca não o esqueceremos ...
quarta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2009
Procurar e destruir ?
O estudo e a musica

Antes de começar uma bela tarde de estudo resolvi-me a ouvir isto:
Porque nao se estuda antes isto em DIP ?

Hard Rock,
terça-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2009
Black Lips

Há dias para John Lee Hooker. Sim. Mas também os há para Black Lips. Hoje foi um deles. A par de King Khan e Lords of Altamont, estes rapazes são a esperança que deposito no futuro. Coerentes? Auto destrutivos? Loucos? Não creio … apenas bons rapazes.
The Black Lips have a reputation for crazy live shows that have included vomiting, urinating, nudity, band members kissing, Power Wheel races, fireworks, a chicken, and flaming guitars. The frequency of the group's outrageous stage antics has declined, as they claim to have matured "a little bit".
They played at Heaven (nightclub) in London on September 16th 2008, which ended with a classic stage invasion, and has become their most popular live YouTube video.
The band has played shows in the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States.
The group has expressed interest in playing venues and countries that typically don't see many rock bands perform. They've said they'd like to play China, Indonesia, Iraq, and Uganda.

The Black Lips are a self-described "flower punk" band from Atlanta, Georgia.

Black Lips,
segunda-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2009
domingo, 1 de fevereiro de 2009
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