In most tales and stories leprechauns are depicted as generally harmless creatures who enjoy solitude and live in remote locations, while in others they are depicted as ill-natured and mischievous, with a mind for cunning.

Among the most popular of beliefs about leprechauns is that they are extremely wealthy and like to hide their gold in secret locations which can only be revealed if a person were to capture and interrogate a leprechaun for its money. Another popular belief is that you may find a leprechaun and his pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
In several Irish legends leprechauns have a power of hypnotism or trickery that confuses their target, either allowing the leprechaun to escape or just to play tricks on unsuspecting victims.

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1 comentário:
eu tenho essência de duende em minha casa e costumo usar como perfume. quanto ao que os ateus fazem na páscoa... well... ouvi dizer que alguns pecam :p
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